Sunday, October 10, 2004

Near Miss

Yesterday the real Rudolph and I had an actual brush with death while driving to a dog's birthday party in Mississippi. Actually you could call it a "near Miss." (hee, hee, that one's for you, Jeff). There are two important questions people have been asking me about my little hydroplaning adventure:

a: What were you thinking, driving 70 miles per hour in the rain with bald tires on crappy Louisiana highways? (The obvious answer to that question is, "everyone else was doing it.")
And, more importantly, b: A DOG'S birthday party?

I am happy to report that I escaped unharmed. And without the religious conversion that might have accompanied the incredible luck I had in surviving, without a scratch, an out-of-control hydroplane that whipped my car around twice (I think) through two or three lanes of 70 MPH traffic, across the median, nearly into oncoming traffic from the other side of the highway, stopping in time to land perfectly on the left shoulder facing the right direction to go home. Not to mention the incredible luck of finding a perfect excuse to avoid going to a dog's birthday party.


At October 10, 2004 at 1:16 PM, Blogger daisy said...

(1) Whoa. Glad you're okay.
(2) I guess I won't invite you to Susie's party next year...

At October 10, 2004 at 2:29 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Thank you, Daisy. I have been getting a lot of flack and weird looks about going to a dog's b-day party. Especially from the kind gentleman who stopped when he saw me on the left-hand shoulder of the road next to my car, sobbing. He already thought I was enought of a nutjob when I explained that I had been on the other side of the highway, going in the opposite direction moments before.
But, really, I would be honored to attend Susie's party. As long as it's not in Mississippi. And it's not raining. And as long as I don't have to bring Rudy (which was mandatory for this party).


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