Thursday, November 04, 2004


Is it possible that William Safire could actually cheer me up? His article "The Dangers of Lopsidedness" did just that. Sure, it was full of backhanded compliments to liberals, but it also reminded one that politics is a cyclical thing and that, in the words of former Speaker Sam Rayburn, "When you get too big a majority you're immediately in trouble." Safire even took it upon himself to warn that Bush that, "The atrophy of the usual checks and balances requires a certain internal restraint" and advises him to nominate for Justice a moderate, strict-Constructionist. Oh, and one who also happens to be brilliant, female, Hispanic...and from Massachusetts. Okay, that's a little weird. Maybe it's some kind of code? I'm onto him! William Safire is an enemy spy! Not an enemy mean conservative! I think I like him better now! (See, aren't you a little cheered up too?)


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