Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Is it really true? Could this really be what people want? More deficit, more weak economy, more injustice? More lying and scolding from the President? And don't even get me started at how disappointed I am that the bigots in so many states banned not just gay marriage but civil unions and domestic partner benefits. Do they know that these laws are going to be as notorious for their cruelty and wrongness as the Jim Crow laws are now? Well maybe not quite, but they are certainly in that vein.

I really went to bed last night thinking that the last four years would be swept aside like a bad dream. Now all I have are pitiful rays of waning hope, the certainty that the networks will dismiss and humiliate Kerry as a sore loser, lingering and unverifiable doubts about the veracity of the touch screen votes Florida, and four more years of Voldemort, I mean...well, you know who I mean. The nightmare continues...


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