Sunday, December 12, 2004

David Vitter, a Digression and and Invitation

Salon ran an interesting piece about Metairie representative David Vitter in October. The article dabbles somewhat irresponsibly in rumors about Vitter's alleged extra-marital affair with a prostitute and a campaign pact with David Duke but the rest is an interesting summary of his career in politics. I have to admit that I know very little about Louisiana politics. I had an extremely embarrassing moment in a job interview in Washington D.C. when the interviewer asked me to name Louisiana's governor. My mind went completely blank and then I blurted out Mike Foster (after the woman had already moved on). Of course, since the interview was this year Foster had long since been replaced by Blanco. This gaffe took place after I had been gushing about my interest in politics and therefore caused me considerable distress. In my defense, it had already been a very long day and interviews make me headachy and nauseous (and dimwitted, apparently). And it's not like I don't have a reasonable knowledge of politics; I imagine not everyone in the country can name the White House communications director or deputy defense secretary off the top of his or her head, but I can because I read the Washington Post and the New York Times religiously. And the Boston Globe (although mostly for sports). But since the New Orleans Times-Picayune is fluffy and the television news is laughable at best and borders on Jerry Springer territory at worst, I rarely bother with it. Maybe now is the time to start. To my friend and very knowledgeable historian, political junkie, and sports-guy Jeff: want to go have a drink or two? My treat.


At December 13, 2004 at 10:12 AM, Blogger jeffrey said...

Umm.. it is usually customary to telephone. Also the Vitter stuff is not rumors. It's all been out in the open for some time now. Keep in mind, he was the "family values" candidate. But isn't that always the way.

At December 13, 2004 at 5:33 PM, Blogger daisy said...

It's worth pointing out, Jeffrey, that you accepted an invitation to dine on homemade pumpkin ravioli via this very blog. Why would you balk at an online invitation to have a hot married girl buy you drinks and listen to you talk?

At December 14, 2004 at 1:11 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Thank you, Daisy. He's kind of a pain, isn't he? I was really just trying to compliment Jeff and be humorous about my lack of knowledge of Louisian history and politics. And, if you read the article, Salon reports rumors as rumors. The writer doesn't attempt to back them up or indicate that they are proven.

At December 14, 2004 at 6:42 PM, Blogger daisy said...

"He's kind of a pain, isn't he?"

Imagine if you had to work with him all day long. All day. Luckily the staff and the public are amused when I hit and pinch him and throw things at him.

At December 22, 2004 at 2:01 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Dude, I lived with the fucker for a year.


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